Did you know that every time we land a visitor on Mount Tarawera we are contributing to an extremely worthy cause? This is a cause close to our hearts and one that we are extremely proud to be involved with!
Mount Tarawera is a volcanic “Mountain” (Maunga) and site of the largest eruption in New Zealand’s living memory, it is owned and revered by local Iwi (Tribe) “Ngati Rangitihi”
Ngati Rangitihi’s guardianship or “Kaitiakitanga” of Mount Tarawera confirms the extremely strong bonds they have with their mountain and the reverence they hold for this iconic New Zealand landmark.
To preserve the Maunga in a pest free state is a key priority, one that sees the governing trust (Ruawahia 2B) reinvest the majority of revenues earned from it’s tourism concessions on Mount Tarawera into pest eradication. This project is also strongly supported both financially and logistically by key agencies including the Department of Conservation and Environment Bay of Plenty.
To date efforts have focused on the eradication of Pinus Contorta or wilding pines and long term will encompass all invasive non-native flora and fauna that pose a threat to Mount Tarawera’s natural state.
These efforts and the money spent have a two fold effect of not only eradicating unwanted and invasive species but also to provide valuable employment and skills training for Ngati Rangitihi Youth.
Volcanic Air and Kaitiaki Adventures are privileged concessionaire and partners with Ngati Rangitihi, working together to host visitors from all around the world on this iconic New Zealand landmark.
Our relationship extends beyond the business of tourism into a partnership working together to fund, resource and assist in managing this conservation project, one in line with New Zealand’s aspirations to be a predator free environment.
We welcome any assistance from the public with this project, whether financial, physical or technical.
Money, manpower and technical know how are the key ingredients in winning the battle to preserve this precious environment and contributions no matter how small or large will be paramount to the success of this ambitious project.
For anyone seeking involvement or interested in assisting this project please contact – Ruawahia2b@gmail.com